Contributing A Patch#

Before contributing, make sure you have followed the steps given under Installing Locally For Development and installed the development version of chessengine in a virtual environment.


Before starting work on your patch, please make sure you have raised an issue about it on the project repository, or an issue about the patch exists.

Once you have installed chessengine correctly, you should activate your virtual environment before starting to work on a patch - see activating virtual environment.

Next, create a branch for your patch by running -

$ git checkout -b <branch-name>

You can name your branch anything you want. Then, write the code for your patch and modify the required files. If required, update the documentation as well.

Commit your changes and add a commit message of the format - Fixed #<issue-number> -- <description>, where <issue-number> is the id of the issue you are trying to fix. As a last step, make sure you have formatted your code using black. Black is a PEP8 compliant opinionated formatter. If you haven’t already installed black, install it using -

$ pip install black

Then run it on the files you have changed by -

$ black path/to/changed/files

Finally, you can push your changes using -

$ git push origin <branch-name>

Now you can start a pull request!